The popular manga and anime's series Akira and Battle Angel are scheduled to become live-action films. Akira the live-action film is not due a release until 2013 and is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra. Battle Angel is due out is 2016 and is being directed by James Cameron.
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
Akira and Battle Angel To Become Live Action Films
Battle Angel,
It's_A _Woman's_Thing_Online_Fan_Page,
James Cameron,
Jaume Collet-Serra,
live-action films,
Akira and Battle Angel To Become Live Action Films
The popular manga and anime's series Akira and Battle Angel are scheduled to become live-action films. Akira the live-action film is not due a release until 2013 and is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra. Battle Angel is due out is 2016 and is being directed by James Cameron.
For more go to COMIC REVIEW
Season greetings!
For more go to COMIC REVIEW
Season greetings!
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