I had to post it.

The First Omen Only in theaters April 5.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Check The New Poster for Kingdom Season 2

Neither Crown Prince Lee Chang nor any of the other main characters in this poster are not looking happy at the prospect of having to fight hordes of fast-moving, hunger craved  zombie in Kingdom season 2 set in the  Joseon era.  In fact, they all look as distressed as any group of people fighting with the knowledge that there is very little hope for survival.

The accompanying  main characters with  Crown Prince Lee Chang are Cho Hak-ju, Seo-bi, Mu-yeong, Yeong-sin, Beom-pal, and the Queen. 

Joining the cast this season is the head of the Royal Commandery Division, Min Chi-rok. Lee Chang is tougher now and more determined, as he fights to protect his people from the growing legions of zombies. Cho Hak-ju continues to be power-hungry, while Seo-bi is on the brink of a breakthrough with the resurrection plant. Mu-yeong is still steadfastly looking after Chang, and Yeong-sin is fiercer than ever. Not to be forgotten are the terror-stricken Beom-pal and the Queen with her perpetual deadpan expression. Season 2 ramps up the tension with the introduction of Min Chi-rok, who investigates a suspicious murder in Hanyang. Kingdom season 2 continues to captivate with the story of Lee Chang’s journey back to Hanyang in search of the roots of the plague and the bloody struggle instigated by a secret plot at the heart of power in Joseon-era Korea.

Kingdom season 2, which carries the tagline: Blood will Spill,  will debut on March 13th worldwide. 

Source: Netflix Media