I had to post it.

The First Omen Only in theaters April 5.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Should Spartacus: Blood and Sand Be Banned For Its Amoral Subplots?


Evelyn here,

A few of the gays in my area are upset with my disapproval of gay intercourse on television. Yes, I believe some of the subplots of the show Spartacus: Blood and Sand are amoral, and I would like to see it banned here in America. So remember as you seek me out,or attempt to cause me problems about town, I am a writer, a reviewer, but I am also a Christian, wife and mother and while I have nothing against gays as whole, I neither like nor need troublemakers. I have also informed Starz of the development here.

On that note, I do not need people going about town with the intent of making trouble for me because I rejected the attention of men who I do not want and who do not interest me. I mean, I am a married woman and that means something to me. May my marriage be good or bad, it is mine, and I will always respect it. Also, I feel lucky for not wanting to involve myself with the type of men who attempt to cause or allow others to cause me problems simply I do not want them and for being mature enough to trust my own judgment in such matters. So do me the favor and cut the crap!

Evelyn out.

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