I had to post it.

The First Omen Only in theaters April 5.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Maf and Marilyn But No Jolie

“Angelina Jolie won't be playing Marilyn Monroe in a movie telling Monroe's story from a "dog's-eye view," according to her management”. This byline from the Ministry of Gossip opens many debates and objections from fans about actress Angelina Jolie playing the role of Marilyn Monroe opposite a lapdog named Maf.

In due respect to the talent of both femme fatales, I've lived long enough to have watched both actresses, and as far stardom goes Angelina Jolie and Marilyn Monroe are in two different classes. Jolie, a highly versatile actress is far better in performing her portrayals and an undisputed action queen. Off screen, she is a wife to famed actor Brad Pitt, a mother several times over, and a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador. While Monroe the undisputed sex goddess of her era never expanded beyond the role of a B-girl/ pin-up girl image of the 50s and 60s on screen and in her private life. It is not that Jolie could not pull off the role of playing the tragic Monroe, animated or live-action; I believe she can, but it is harder to imagine Monroe filling Jolie's military gear.
Although both actresses experienced early troubled lives, after much pain, Angelina Jolie discovered who she was and her importance in life, whereas Monroe troubles grew and eventually led her to suicide. Does this mean that an actress more akin to the statue of Marilyn Monroe should play the part? Not at all, it is only that the roles that Jolie has featured in, she appears to have grown away from playing roles that required eye candy for those roles where women are more aggressive, and proactive.
So what does this all mean in terms of Jolie playing opposite a dog in an film adaptation of author Andrew O’Hagan’s novel The Life And Opinions Of Maf The Dog, And Of His Friend Marilyn Monroe?
When it comes to Angelina Jolie, Maf will have to find another bone to chew.

What do you think? Would Angelina Jolie have done well portraying the life of Monroe from the point of view a dog? Alternatively, do you think this film will failed regardless of who plays Monroe?

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