I had to post it.

The First Omen Only in theaters April 5.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


- Joel Kinnaman

In the 1987 film
, we were introduced to a new kind of police force. In it police
officer Alex Murphy is mortally wounded. With Murphy’s death a door to high
technology is open that changes the way in which law enforcement deals with
criminals. The RoboCop prototype - or at least this was the goal of officials
of the futurist, Detroit, Michigan and Omni Consumer Products (OCP). However, to create RoboCop
(Peter Weller) all memories of Murphy’s previous life had to be purged. 

Before things go haywire Murphy’s former partner, Officer
Anne Lewis
(Nancy Allen), learns the truth behind the metal hood of Robocop
and against

RoboCop - Peter Weller

OCP and many in their own
police department  prototype helps Murphy
regain his memories and bring the OCP
down for its corruption of the very laws it created, which were 1. serve the
public trust; 2. protect the innocent; and 3. uphold the law; 4. the law
secretly programmed into RoboCop by the scientists that
created him- never kill members of the OCP.
This last, proves a tough problem for Murphy.

On the heals of this film's success came two equally
successful sequels, RoboCop 2 in
1990 and RoboCop 3 in 1993. Both
Weller and Allen revised their starring roles.

Now jettisoning to the present where this Wednesday we will be see the reboot of
the RoboCop franchised in action in
a 2028 Detroit. In this new version of RoboCop
Joel Kinnaman plays the title character of Alex Murphy. The group of scientists
who creates the RoboCop prototype now works for Omnicorp, a multinational
conglomerate. Many of Kinnaman fans will know him from the hit AMC series
, which with conclude with its final
season on
later this year. 

Unlike, the pervious RoboCop films, there is a lot
of heavy star power in this remake. Some of them are Gary Oldman as Dr. Dennett
Norton, Michael Keaton as Raymond Sellars, and Samuel L. Jackson as Pat Novak.
Without actually seeing this film, the most notable changes are that there is
no Officer Anne Lewis, the Omni
Consumer Products
is now Omnicorp, and RoboCop wears a shiny

made of fiberglass, plastic, form rubber and other materials. In addition, his helmet
has a red optical laser light and his motorcycle is a total science fiction
invention that reminds one of something Batman rides.

What changes made to the storyline, if any, will be
discover at this Wednesday’s opening. However, given its star stellar cast this
looks to be a 2014 cinemas winner.

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