I had to post it.

The First Omen Only in theaters April 5.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Penny Dreadful Is Easily The Best Horror Series Of Spring 2014

Ah, spring and summer series. There was a time when viewing series in the summer months was limited to weekly returns of the recent Fall series. Not anymore. Now, you can push a button on your remote and find new series all year round on almost all of the cable and the major network channels.

For die-hard fantasy fans there are more new and interesting horror , science fiction, and historical based fantasies series like Penney Dreadful, Salem, Dominion, The Last Ship, and The Musketeers to fulfill everyone's adventurous nature. On Netflix you can drown yourself in an entire season of a series during a weekend, and the diversities of the series are more interesting as well., such as returning series Hemlock Grove (July 11th). While CBS has Extant starting tomorrow night, FX will soon air The Strain (July 13th), and BBC America will return with Doctor Who to be followed by their new series, Intruders (August 23rd).

Showtime's new horror series Penny Dreadful, which premiered this spring is a prime example.  To fans of the old class horror stories and those familiar with the penny dreadfuls published in England, these fans know that in some upper classes of that country the penny dreadful of the 1800s was considered  lurid and distasteful serialized fiction laced with dark romance and harrowing tales of terror and generally cost as little as a penny to buy. Yet, the common populate of England love them, and so writers kept writing them.  My personal favorite are  The Monk, The Vampyre, Varney the Vampire, and a little known fact, Sherlock Holmes and Dracula.

Showtime's Penny Dreadful is a fitting name for the collection of episodes in the series that has brought  together the fictional lives of classic monsters and monster makers, such as the beautiful amoral and immortal Dorian Gray (Reeve Carney); Victor Frankenstein (Harry Treadaway), the young doctor trapped between his desire to defeat death and his fear and repulsion of his first creation; Frankenstein's monster - alias Caliban (Rory Kinnear), a sad but compassionate creature, abandon at birth, lonely and bitterly angry with his creator; and Ethan Chandler (Josh Hartnett),  a werewolf and American wild west actor who's dark and deadly past that once revealed to his new companions might cause them to view Ethan  as a threat  they must put down later in the series.  

Then there are the  new characters who add a wicket twist to the old tales. There is Sir Malcolm Murray (Timothy Dalton) a womanizing explorer who until the disappearance of his daughter, Mina Harker, has spent much of his time in the jungles of Africa. Vanessa Ives (Eva Green) a guilt ridden, emotionally and sexually stunted woman.  Her inner demon appears to gain delight in tormenting her whenever she experiences happiness. She has psychic abilities, which allows spirits to possess her. Finally, there is Brona Croft a prostitute wanting nothing more than the freedom of death  from the Consumption (Tuberculosis) that razes her lungs. Yet, she is lucky to have found love in Ethan Chandler. However, death shall find worst horrors for Brona than the disease that eat away her body, and finally the mysterious Sembene, a loyal companion and voice of reason for Sir Malcolm.

Another character worth mentioning is Proteus (Alex Price), Frankenstein's second creature. Proteus is a testament to Frankenstein's belief that death does not have to be the end. Proteus is the gentle and childlike embodiment of humans that when nurtured right, even a monster can learn and become lovable. 

These characters and their supporting characters have made Penny Dreadful the most fascinating and scary series of the year.  The series is well worth a second look and will return in spring of 2015 on Showtime.