I had to post it.

The First Omen Only in theaters April 5.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

New DC's Stargirl (The CW) "Injustice" Promo HD


After Courtney Whitmore, the stepdaughter of Pat Dugan a.k.a. S.T.R.I.P.E./"Stripesy", the adult sidekick to the superhero Sylvester Pemberton aka.a the Star-Spangled Kid She finds Pemberton's old gear in her stepfather's belongings, she dons the Cosmic Converter Belt and a costume of her own design. She begins her career as the second Star-DC's Stargirl.

Stargirl starts Tuesday, May 19 on The CW and tne next on the CW app.

List the characters.

Brec Bassinger as Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl:
A high school sophomore who discovers a powerful cosmic staff and becomes the hero Stargirl. She is the leader of the new Justice Society of America.[2] Bassinger did not look at the previous portrayals of the character by Britt Irvin on Smallville or Sarah Grey on Legends of Tomorrow because they were depicted as "older, more mature version[s]" of Stargirl. Bassinger added the series followed the comic Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. more "in that she's young, high school, naive, which I wanted to bring that into this version of Stargirl.

Yvette Monreal as Yolanda Montez / Wildcat: One of Courtney's friends who becomes a member of the new Justice Society of America.

Anjelika Washington as Beth Chapel / Doctor Mid-Nite: One of Courtney's friends who becomes a member of the new Justice Society of America.

Cameron Gellman as Rick Tyler / Hourman: One of Courtney's friends who becomes a member of the new Justice Society of America.

Trae Romano as Mike Dugan: Pat Dugan's son and Courtney's stepbrother.

Jake Austin Walker as Henry King Jr.: The son of Brainwave and a student at Blue Valley High.

Hunter Sansone as Cameron: A student at Blue Valley High.

Meg DeLacy as Cindy Burman: The daughter of Dragon King and the most popular student at Blue Valley High who is determined to follow in her father's footsteps.

Neil Jackson as Jordan Mahkent / Icicle: A member of the Injustice Society.

Christopher James Baker as Henry King Sr. / Brainwave: A member of the Injustice Society.

Amy Smart as Barbara Whitmore: Courtney's mother and wife of Pat Dugan striving to balance her work and home life.

Luke Wilson as Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.:
Courtney's stepfather, the former sidekick to Starman (when he was known as Stripesy), and a mechanic who pilots a 15-foot robot of his own creation.
 He is a member of the new Justice Society of America.

Joy Osmanski as Paula Brooks / Tigress: A member of the Injustice Society who hunts the world's most dangerous humans.

Neil Hopkins as Lawrence "Crusher" Crock / Sportsmaster: A member of the Injustice Society who feels all of his targets are part of a game to win.

Nelson Lee as Dr. Ito / Dragon King: A member of the Injustice Society and a controversial scientist who hides his face and experiments on himself and his patients.


Joel McHale as Sylvester Pemberton / Starman: A member of the original Justice Society of America who used an anti-gravity cosmic staff that Courtney finds.

Lou Ferrigno, Jr. as Rex Tyler / Hourman: A member of the original Justice Society of America, who is "a master chemist and adrenaline junkie" with the ability to acquire super-strength for one hour a day.

Brian Stapf as Ted Grant / Wildcat: A member of the original Justice Society of America, who is a former heavyweight boxer.

Henry Thomas as Charles McNider / Doctor Mid-Nite: A member of the original Justice Society of America, who is a detective and a brilliant and forward-thinking medical pionee




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